2010 RD-RC/FFT North Hills Expo!!!The Expo at North Hills Raleigh was a HUGE SUCCESS in 2010!!
HERE to see photos from this fun show!
Saturday, August 20th 2011
Early Show (during Farmers Market) 9:30 – 12:30
Full Event 12:30 – 4:30

North Hills shopping center is hosting our 2011 “mall show”, and it is on Saturday August 20th. Imagine a fly-in atmosphere right in the middle of a shopping center, with thousands of the public attending.
We are in the central commons area with plenty of room to set up our aircraft for display and to interact with the public. We'll also had some flying demonstrations of indoor airplanes, foamys and small electric helis by some of our more accomplished pilots.
You can see some of the video clips we captured during the 2009 Mall Show on the following links:
2009 Mall Shop Video Clip 1
2009 Mall Shop Video Clip 2
2009 Mall Shop Video Clip 3
Saturday, August 28th 2010
Early Show (during Farmers Market) 9:30 – 12:30
Full Event 12:30 – 4:30

North Hills shopping center once again hosted our 2010 “mall show”, and it was held on Saturday August 28th. Imagine a fly-in atmosphere right in the middle of a shopping center, with thousands of the public attending.
We were in the central commons area with plenty of room to set up our aircraft for display and to interact with the public. We also had some flying demonstrations of indoor airplanes, foamys and small electric helis by some of our more accomplished pilots.

Check out the links below for info, photos & video from the 2009 North Hills Mall Show!!!
North Hills PHOTOS
Archived Video from Live Stream